Friday 8 April 2016



law of gravity is discover by sir Issac newton . these is very important discovery for our earth. Therefore earth called as Newton's planet. If we want to do resarch on any planet's or star's of our space ,we must have to take knowledge about gravity or we should have understand the the work of law of gravity. 
          What is gravity?
Ans: for understand the gravity by easily we can take an example ,
         so we can take nearest example and this is the earth ,
         suppose a thing come in near to the earth's gravitational ambit . then it attract to the
         earth's surface . and these force is called as gravitational force. to understand easily we can take another example of magnets . magnets has a magnetic field . if some metals is near to magnets but it out of range of magnetic field so its can't attract to the magnets . this theory is applicable to the earth . suppose earth is a magnet and north and south pole is north and south point of magnet then earth also has a magnetic field then we say that some thing who not near to gravitational field of earth can't attract to the earth . gravity is not equal to all place, the force is different to different place . you can see on this image . the red portion has high gravity and blue portion has law gravity .

      some other things about gravity :

        all planets and all stars and all astronomical things has gravity , and gravity is not remain same for all astronomical things . gravity is came from core of planets and stars . in some place force of acceleration is 9.78m/s²  and some place the force of acceleration is 9.82m/s² .

the relation of gravity of earth and moon and theory of waves of sea :
          moon is effect on earths gravity and earth is effect on moons gravity . waves of a sea created by the relation of gravity of moon and earth . gravitational force of moon attract the water on earth's surface that means the water go up ward from earths surface but earth has gravity therefore water attracted down on earth surface , but earth is rotating therefore it try to rotate near to water which attracted by moon in up ward . therefore the more height of waves of sea is created .
  That means the law's of gravity is include in any thing related by space science and astrophysics . 

THANK YOU ......

                                            RITIK PANCHAL

phone no : 9004796649,

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