Tuesday 21 June 2016


My respected teachers ,
and my dear friends
There is a big curiosity about black holes in the mind of every students.
In the internet there is such a huge information about black hole , but some
 children can’t able to understand the high level language of those theory’s
And they not have any other way to find out information about black hole .
In this article I have try to explain all the complicate and huge theory about black hole in a simple language .
all the student’s who can’t understand this article, they can contact me. I have given my number in last page…….

v General relativity

In 1915 Albert Einstein developed his theory of general relativity . Suppose one person (A) travelling by train and another person (B) sitting on station. The experience of these two person is not same ,
The experience of A is that his own is stable and the person B sit on the station is moving back word ,and the opposite the experience of person B is his own is stable and A is moving forward . This is two different opinion of two different peoples at same situation.
          The other relativity is that if the person A in a train travelling by a speed of light and there is a clock in train and station , the      speed    of clock in train is slow than clock in station , but the speed of light is 2,99,845ps and these is not possible on this time . so generally we can’t take this experience .
           lets take another example of relativity . suppose A is playing a game of catching a ball in a flat surface of train and B is observing A from station . the experience of A is ball is gone up word and fall straight in hand of A , but the opposite B realise that a ball is gone up word and fall in hand of A by a curved shape in stud in a straight line .  
 this theories of relativity is also shown in black hole theories .                
We all know that what is gravity . we can walk easily on the earth because of gravity .
Simple example of gravity ,
If we throw the ball in sky the go in speed upward but when the speed will end the ball fall down toward earth . these is example of gravity .
There is gravitational force in every stars , planets , satellites have gravity and the gravitational pull from the inter core of stars , planets ets .
And this gravity is the cause of the black hole can destroy the stars , planets and light .
Black is created after the blast of supernova . the birth of  black hole is very surprising .
Explaination :
                                  The every stars have energy , and these energy not going to remain same , these energy will be end after time . when the energy of star is end the star will destroy .
When the energy of star is end the star started collapsing in core and the pressure of a core is started to raise , the brightness of star is end and star is change into a black star and after star is destroy and these is called as blast of supernova . these is cause of birth of black hole . black hole is invisible because it is look black . the black hole is visible when it destroy some star . when the black hole destroy a star it relief energy form of light and these is reason to black hole is visible when it destroying a star . black hole has a highly gravitational field . in the space there is anything can safe from black hole . The light speed is 2,99,845ps , but the light is can’t came out from black hole . The light is also can be trapped in black hole.
The black hole can be grown bigger than its original shape by taking stars and space bodies.

Black holes grow in mass by capturing nearby material. Anything miles that enters the event horizon cannot escape the black hole's gravity. So objects that do not keep a safe distance get swallowed.

Despite their reputation, black holes will not actually suck in objects from large distances. A black hole can only capture objects that come very close to it. They're more like Venus' Flytraps than cosmic vacuum cleaners. For example, imagine replacing the Sun by a black hole of the same mass. Permanent darkness would fall on Earth, but the planets would continue to revolve around the black hole at the same distance and speed as they do now. None of the planets would be sucked into the black hole. Our Earth would be in danger only if it came within some 10 miles of the black hole, much less than the actual distance of Earth from the Sun (a comforting 93 million).

The diet of known black holes consists mostly of gas and dust, which fill the otherwise empty space throughout the Universe. Black holes can also consume material torn from nearby stars. In fact, the most massive black holes can swallow stars whole. Black holes can also grow by colliding and merging with other black holes. This growth process is what can reveal the presence of a black hole. As gas falls toward a black hole, it is heated to high temperatures, generating powerful radio waves and X-rays that can be studied by astronomers.

                  Suppose black hole is like well of gravity. The side walls of these well is not made by stone is made by highly electromagnetic radiation. When we reach at event horizon we can’t escape.  In the black hole there is no applicable any law of physics. When a star is above 3m (solar mass) it can collapse into black hole. Black hole can grow by eating any stars and planets. Black hole is constantly rotating, but some black hole has 1.4m these black holes not rotate, it stable and these limit is called Chandrasekhar limit. When a star is collapse in black hole it called as frozen star.
The distance between singularity to event horizon is called Schwarzschild radius. Singularity means the centre of black hole. And event horizon means the outer region of black hole.
If our sun is change into black hole then its Schwarzschild radius will be 3 km. general mass of black hole is more than 10 times of our sun. And its Schwarzschild radius will be 30 km.
The formula of Schwarzschild radius is
At near to the black hole the speed of escape is equal to the speed of light and near to the singularity the escape speed is more than speed of black hole, therefore the light can’t escape from black hole. At the nineteen century scientist could not understand how a mass less waves such as light can’t escape from black hole due to gravity.
The stars that have solar mass 1.4 and 3 solar mass  stars called as white dwarf. First published by Wilhelm Anderson and e.c. stoner.
In 1930 the Indian scientist Subramanian Chandrasekhar published his theory about the limit of collapsing black hole . and that limit called as Chandrasekhar limit. At that time the Subramanian Chandrasekhar  was only 19 year old . the Chandrasekhar limit is 1.39M of sun.  the white dwarf has solar mass 1.4to 3 solar mass if like these stars came together then its combine each other  and inside in these stars the neutron atoms are remain. The scientist john Michel say’s that ‘the idea of a body so a massive that even light could not escape. In 1783 henry Cavendish of royal society agreed that statement.  

This  is the my first article about black holes I will give the other information about black holes in my next article .
My dear student and respected teacher if there something wrong so inform me I will improve my article .
My contact number is
if I am not there
RITIK SUVARNA VIJAY PANCHAL                                                                                 
 My honourable teacher


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